An Artistic Material for Indoors Natural Stone Tile (Pebble Mosaic) !!: Why Pebbles ??? Ping your blog


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Monday, August 6, 2012

Why Pebbles ???

Pebbles are one of the amazing Natural Stone in the world.

Pebble is one of the ornaments that can be used to make your home sweet home looks a lot more beautiful. The unique shape and color that makes a lot of different people get interested in applying it in the garden, pool and house floor. The price is also not too expensive so they can be reached by various groups.

A type of Pebble, according to me is distinguished by color, size and origin. There is a white Pebble of Kupang, Alor, Pebble Alor of East Nusa Tenggara which is small and black, red heart Pebble, Sumatra black Pebble, black Bali Pebble, green Pebble and creamy white Pebble, and hundreds more.

There's also called Italian Pebble, clean white color resembling camphor. This has great buyers’ demand from different region. Most of the Pebble from the ocean can be made ​​as ornamental tiles for flooring materials. Pebble stone floor fits everywhere because it will naturally highlight the impression of exoticism and thus it is more eye-catching.

Simply washed thoroughly the pebble to get it shinny !!!!

Pebble is able to boost up the appearance of the park in our shelter. But if it is used for the long term what should we do to keep it away from dirty or mose? To take care of it is 
not a hard thing to do.

Contrived Pebble tiles have been given an anti-moss to make it more durable. I believe the floor is not easily mossy as long as they are installed in a protected place away from heat and rain. Even if the floor is so slippery because of frequent exposure to water, we simply brush it.

Hope it can enlighten you more about Pebble Stone.

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