An Artistic Material for Indoors Natural Stone Tile (Pebble Mosaic) !!: Mosaic Coin Tile Ping your blog


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Monday, August 6, 2012

Mosaic Coin Tile

Mosaic Coin are different in color and round size form Blended Mosaic tile. This products has mono color. It is also equipped with more various size of rounded stone.

Here are the picture:

Mosaic Coin Black Lava

USD 1,8 / Square feet (12" x 12") / fob Surabaya
Mosaic Coin Black Lava
USD 1,8 / Square feet (12" x 12") / fob Surabaya

Mosaic Coin Grey Marble
USD 1,8 / Square feet (12" x 12") / fob Surabaya

Mosaic Coin Onyx
USD 2,4 / Square feet (12" x 12") / fob Surabaya

Mosaic Coin Red
USD 1,8 / Square feet (12" x 12") / fob Surabaya

Mosaic Coin Sunset
USD 2,4 / Square feet (12" x 12") / fob Surabaya

Please note about the 2 colors on each tiles. The color of the left side is coated color while the right side is the not coated.
All prices are negotiable based on volume's order

Even tough these products are only using mono color, it has a remarkable color which truly represent nature.

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